
Agricultural Internship Program

" World Class Career for World Class Graduates! "

The Agricultural Internship program is designed to provide opportunities to veterans interested in agricultural careers.

Agricultural internships are an important step towards finding a job after graduation. Internships help you learn about companies in your field, help you develop your own professional working skills, and provide an opportunity for hands-on experience.

Applicants have the opportunity of being placed in rural areas as well as in major agricultural companies. This program goes out of its way to match an applicant to an area and company that will meet the applicant’s specific needs

What is the program all about?

Gaining real-world experience is an important factor in finding a job. Internships are great opportunities to gain experience in the field, learn about yourself, learn about companies you might want to work for, and possibly land a job after graduation. As you move forward to achieve your dream of a career in agriculture, an internship is highly recommended.

What does the Internship program include?

  • Paid full time Training placement.
  • Accredited Experience Certificate.
  • Full program information and orientations.
  • DS-2019 (Work Permit) required for applying to J-1 Intern Visa.
  • Interview with your program sponsor coordinator /Host Organization.
  • Health insurance.
  • Guidance throughout program tenor.
  • Preparation for your J-1 Visa interview at the US Embassy.
  • 24-hour emergency phone number.

Advice and support anytime

fields of study could be in:

Animal Production

Animal Production

This program aims to provide students with scientific knowledge related to animal husbandry and health, farm animal feeding, poultry production, natural pasture management and genetic improvement of farm animals.

Plant Production

Plant Production

The main objective for this training to revolves around providing applicants with scientific knowledge regarding plant science and plant physiology, in addition to other matters such as seed production technology and how to deal with diseases and fungi that plants are exposed to. It may also include breeding plants and improving their quality from a genetic and biological point of view.



This training will give the participant the opportunity to have the practical experience in Nutrition field and expand the participant knowledge which will lead to guarantee a remarkable career.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible if you are:

  • Your Age 18 – 32 years old
  • Graduated from Public / Privet University within the past 12 months.
  • Your requested work placement is related to your studies/diploma.
  • You have verifiable English language skills and have a good understanding of English terminology related to your field.
  • You have sufficient finances to support yourself during your entire stay in the U.S.
  • You are able to commit to the full duration of your program placement (up to 12 months).

The required documents

Cosmopolitan internship graduated undergraduate

Cosmopolitan internship graduated undergraduate

How to apply

-Submit your application to our offices (the representative of Internship Sponsors).


-After we confirm your eligibility for applying to the program, we will send you the program Documents.


-Submit your required documents.


-The application processing takes (6-8) weeks.


-We will move forward with requesting your DS 2019 form issuance along with the other related documents.


-After your application is completed, you will be able to attend the U.S J-1 visa interview.


-Book your flight as soon as you ha-your J-1 visa then your journey will start.


Cosmopolitan internship graduated undergraduate

Cosmopolitan internship graduated undergraduate


Cosmopolitan looks forward to help you in putting the first stone on your future career base and ensure that your proposed internship program satisfies both you and your host organization’s expectations of success.

Cosmopolitan internship graduated undergraduate

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Internship Positions work in America cosmo coszmo

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