
Check what happened with Heba & Hedab In Work & Travel summer 2020

Work & Travel Cosmo Jordan Heba & Hedab


Heba & Hedab Albaz are one of the students that traveled to the U.S as a Work & Travel summer 2020.

They have visited so many place during their travel, they both worked in Dunkin Donuts in Wisconsin dells.
After they finished their work they have traveled to so many states and visited so many cities in the US like:

1.New York City.
4.North Carolina.

After all they lived Work & Travel Experience in the best way Ever , by visiting so many  Cities and meeting up with so many people from al over the world.

They presented culture by giving the Jordanian dishes for their international friends.

for example check them will they flip the Maglobeh Dish

Cosmopolitan Family wishes you girls the best in your life.

Check there stories here.


Work & Travel is a wonderful experience that all of the students that are currently studying  should try, you will gain so much experience after you finish the program for example you will be able to send emails in a professional way.


and so much to learn from this program, don’t miss the chance and participate with us now through this link.

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